Massage Choices
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Massage Choices' FAQ

Please read below for answers to general questions which may address any problems that you encounter while using the site.

On many occasions you may discover a solution to your problem. As we become aware of issues that our users have encountered, we will add information relevant to these issues, outlining solutions and the status of any bugs that we have been made aware of. We fix any errors that we find as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding, as we make every effort to bring you the most complete massage directory ever.

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Known Issues and Important Information

There is a known issue when you delete the first image you upload.

If you upload only one image and then delete it, the next time you upload an image, you will continue to see the previously deleted one in the images list. To avoid this, simply upload a second image before deleting the first.

There is a known issue with trying to edit a processed service that has been logged in as paid using a prepaid package.

The functionality with editing services that were logged as prepaid from packages or gift certificates has not been completed. If you need to edit one of these services through the client section, contact us for assistance. This issue will be corrected sometime in the near future, but is not high on our priorities list.

There is a known minor issue that occurs when changing the date on a scheduled appointment in the appointment calendar.

When you change an appointment to a different date you will see a new appointment for the new date, but the old appointment appears to remain in the calendar. This is only because we have not added the code to remove the visual indicator for the old appointment. If you close the calendar, you will see that the appointment has the new date you selected and there are no appointments with the old date. Opening up the calendar again (by clicking 'Add') you will then see that the old appointment is gone.

Since this does not affect the appointment change or cause any problems, we are not currently attempting to fix it. Be advised that there are some pages, that we have decided for efficiency, not to have them refresh after a change or addition has been made. When updating or adding information to your records, if you do not see the information update right away, simply refresh you screen. If after a refresh, you do not see the change, then contact us. Note: on an appointment date change you do not need a refresh, simply close and re-open the calendar.

Mobile users:

The public portion of the site has been optimized for mobile; however, Some functionality is not available on mobile devices. Therapists, be aware that the back-end functionality available for registered members has not been optimized for mobile. If you are not on a desktop or laptop computer, you will find it difficult to complete many of the tasks that would otherwise simplify your daily operations. Similarly, we do not recommend setting up a listing if you do not own at least a large tablet. From the beginning we made a choice to bring you the most feature packed, content rich massage directory in existence. We will not stop until we have surpassed this goal. As a result, we are delaying complete mobile optimization until we feel the site has met all of our initial requirements. Look for more functionality to be optimized for mobile in the near future.

User Questions

I am trying to setup my profile but I do not see my county listed.

We divide states into regions predominantly by geographical landmarks, and areas that are free of dense population. When first signing up, or as a first time visitor looking for massage, your are asked to select your region from the us map. The site then remembers your location and uses this decide which counties are in your area. If you do not see your county you may have selected the wrong region. Before creating or editing your profile, if you are already logged in , log out, then go back to the log in page and select "Change Location" at the top right of the page. In the US map when you hover over a region of your state, you will see the counties that are supported listed on the right side of the page. When you see your county in the list , you know you have found the correct region. After selecting this region you may log in ago back to editing your profile and you should see your county.

I made a change to the settings yesterday, but today it's back the way it was.

If you make a change anywhere, or log a service or sale, only to find that nothing happened, it is usually because you forgot to click on 'Submit' or 'Update' in the panel where your changes were made. Redo the change paying close attention to click 'Submit' or 'Update' after, then refresh the screen. If you still do not see the information being updated, let us know of the problem.

Some of the pages do not display correctly. Why haven't you fixed this issue?

The most common reason for a page to display incorrectly is because you are using an old incompatible browser version. All browsers do not display web pages in the same manner. Some browsers are not always up to date with the latest html and css (formatting) developments and do not support all the features. That is why it is important to always update your browser.

We test all pages on several browsers with updates going back 1 year. Any browser version before that may not display our content correctly.

If You are using the latest version for your browser and you have an issue with a particular page, let us know. We may indeed have a problem on the page, that we are unaware of. With over 140 different dialog panels, checking every page on every browser is not an easy task, so we appreciate your help.

Why don't I see a client that I just added as a walk in service, in the client list.

Newly added clients will appear at the end of the main client selection list. Scroll down the list to find the client.

If you are attempting to log another walk in appointment or sale, and searching the selection list that opens with that operation, then you are correct, the new client will not appear there. That is a temporary list that only shows existing clients. A complete page refresh is required before newly inserted clients appear there.

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