Massage Choices
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Advanced massage training video for Massage Choices Inc.

Massage Choices inc. is searching for a female model between the ages of 21 and 49, for an advanced deep tissue training video. The primary purpose of the video is for use as promotional material for, a national massage site for massage therapists. It may also be used to promote the therapist.

The subject matter is advanced deep tissue integration into Swedish massage. For the sake of clarity, there will be no nudity involved, aside from what is normally common during a regular professional massage. All strict ethical guidelines will be maintained at all times.

Shoot time ~ 2.5 hrs


Upload a photo in an email to, showing both face and body (no nudity), or enter a link to Instagram, Facebook, or other social media where photos are located. In the email include your name, phone, and a reference to this posting.

Candidates must:

  • Reside in Miami-Dade or South Broward County
  • Have had 1 or more professional massages in the past
  • Enjoy receiving massage
  • Have no contraindications (injuries or medical conditions which may inhibit receiving deep tissue massage)
  • Have no cosmetic implants or enhancements. (These are considered contraindications for certain techniques which may be performed)

What to expect:

Candidates meeting the above requirements will first receive a complimentary 90 minute massage at either her location or the therapist's, whichever is best for her. The purpose of this massage is to determine if the model is a suitable candidate for the video, and to be used as a practice run by the therapist. This will rule out the possibility that the model has issues with ticklishness, cannot comfortably tolerate moderate to deep pressure, or holds herself too rigidly during the massage session. Furthermore, it will allow the therapist and model to feel more at ease at the time of the video shoot. It will also allow the model to make an informed decision as to which method of compensation she desires. The test massage implies absolutely no commitment for either party.

After the test massage, if the model is a viable candidate, and both parties agree to work together, she will receive a copy of the contractual documents, so that she may review them at her leisure. A date can then be set up for the video shoot. The video will be shot at the therapist's location in north west Hialeah, and will take approximately 2 & 1/2 hours.

The shoot will consist of 2 video cameras mounted on tripods facing the massage table from the same side. A separate 50 mm camera will be used for still shots. The shoot will involve only the therapist and the model in a casual environment, and will include both still shots, and a recording of a full massage. Audio will be added later, during the editing stage.


in addition to the free trial massage, the model will receive her choice of:

3 additional 90 minute massages (valued at $130 each) redeemable anytime during therapist's normal hours of operation, as posted on the website.


A $200 payment.

Choice of principle compensation can be made after the test massage.

In addition to the principle compensation, the model will receive a 6% royalty commission from any profit made, in the event that the video, or any of its parts, is monetized.

About the therapist

Damian Blain has been a licensed massage therapist in Florida for over 20 years. He worked for ten years at both major resort spas and local day spas, and has built a solid reputation during the last eleven years performing out call massage exclusively for his personal clientele.

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